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Submitted by on 17 March 2018
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2018 submissions are now open!



Worcester (USA)




Welcome back to  Rabbit Heart Poetry Film Festival!

Presented by Doublebunny Press and based out of Worcester, MA*.


This film festival is about bringing together poetry and the visual arts at the intersection of film.** Anyone can make a video of a poet reading a poem, but that’s not what Rabbit Heart is all about. What we’re looking for is what can be done visually with a poem, without showing performance.*** The poem can be the soundtrack, and the springboard for what happens visually – show, don’t tell is the rule. (Click here for full rules and guidelines.)


And we are rewarding awesome work! Yes, really! Rabbit Heart will be awarding prizes at the viewing party in October! Best Overall Picture will win $200, and there will be $100 prizes in categories for Best Animation, Best Music in a Video, Best Phone/ Smartphone Production, Best Under 1 Minute, and Best Valentine.


Submit online via Filmfreeway


Check the festival call of Rabbit Heart on the official website.

(You can see who won on the 2017 Finalists page)
