In 2023, a three-person jury will decide on the awarding of the main prizes. The Poetry Performance Film Prize will be independently curated by the slam poetess Katharina Wenty. The Viennese audience will decide on the major international Poetry Film Award.
Grand jury awards 2023 - three people in the jury
Award German Speaking Countries | Prize-money € 1000.-
SPECIAL AWARD based on Manfred Chobot | Prize-money € 500.-
Small jury award 2023 - Katharina Wenty
Poetry Performance Film Award | Preisgeld € 250.-
Sigrun Höllrigl ( festival director, poetess, poetry film maker)
Born in Innsbruck in 1966, Sigrun Höllrigl grew up in Switzerland. She studied German language and literature and philosophy in Vienna. Since 2008 she works as a freelance artist in the fields of literature, film, media art and cultural event organization. In 2015 the lyrical novel Odysseus X/Ulysses X was published by edition keiper Graz. In 2016 the 2nd novel " Das Lager/The Camp" was published at edition keiper. With her poetry films Sigrun Höllrigl is represented at international film festivals. Since 2011 she is the director of the ART VISUALS & POETRY film festival in Vienna, which became the second largest poetry film festival world-wide. Sigrun Höllrigl is a poetry film expert due to her decade of poetry film festival curating. She lives in Vienna and Lower Austria.
Mersolis Schöne (film maker, fine arts, researcher)

Mersolis Schöne is a multidisciplinary film artist, visual artist, and researcher
based in Vienna, Austria. In his cinematic work, he deals with methods of film-based philosophising as well as with the communication of art, philosophy, and science. In his process-oriented approach, he combines these methods withexperimental and poetic forms. In 2017 he founded Moving Thought – Film+Philosophy (www.movingthought.org) to implement projects that focus on these purposes.
He has received national and international recognition for his films and served as a juror at several international film festivals.
https://www.mersolisschoene.com | https://linktr.ee/mersolis
Hubert Sielecki (film maker, poetry film maker, fine artist, co-curator)
Born 1946 in Carinthia (Austria) Hubert Sielecki studied 1968-1976 at the University
of Applied Arts in Vienna and at the Film School in Lodz, Poland. In 1982 he graduated from the University of Applied Arts in the painting class under Maria Lassnig he established the Studio for Experimental Animation Film, which he directed until 2012. Hubert Sielecki is a screenwriter, director, cinematographer, musician, sound technician, performer, draftsman, painter. He makes auteur films and uses mainly
the technique of animated film. For his work Hubert Sielecki has received numerous prizes and awards in Austria and abroad.
Jury Poetry Performance Film Award | prize-money € 250.-
Katarina Wenty (slam poetess, moderator, organizer, poetry film maker)

Katharina Wenty, born in Korneuburg in 1995, grew up in Vienna, where she studied theater, film and media studies as well as multimedia. As a filmmaker she has already been part of several short film festivals, as well as winner of the Media Literacy Award, the Zeit:impuls Short Film Award and many more. Since 2016, she has been performing on stages with self-written texts and is considered one of the most successful spoken word artists in the German-speaking world with over 500 performances in more than 15 countries. In 2018 she became Poetry Slam National Champion for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland as well as finalist of the Poetry Slam European Championship in Budapest. Since the age of 18, she has published in various national and international anthologies and literary magazines, and in 2022 her book "Hautflügelmieder" was published by the publisher Lektora.