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Traditionally, the festival's main prizes are awarded in three different categories:


  1. Award German speaking Countries
  2. Poetry Film Competition  SPECIAL AWARD
  3. International Audience Award 


Die Sieger des sechsten Art Visuals & Poetry Film Festival 2021 sind:

⚡Main Award German Speaking Countries |CELI KAY (AUT) "weißer Rauch"
⚡Category Special Award Antonio Fian |SUSANNE WIEGNER (GER) : "ruhwunsch"
⚡ Category Audience Award | BEI YU (CHN) "Secret Archives: Red Carpet House", MARIAM AL-DHUBHANI (GBR), Poet: A. A. R. Alkhulaidi "No words"


A total of 2,500 euros in prize money was distributed in 2021.
