Art Visuals & Poetry is an art community project organized by a changing group of artists. The art association is directed by Sigrun Höllrigl. The legal base for our activities i s a non-profit cultural organization based in Vienna. Beside art events and the poetry film festival we also do realize art and educative film projects ourselves.
Legal entity is the art association: Target Reply. Verein für Kunst und Medienprojekte
Event series: Art Visuals & Poetry
Legal base: Zentrales Vereinsregister - ZVR-Kennzahl 636004572
Chairman Sigrun Höllrigl, member of boards: Dr. Ute Karin Höllrigl, Hubert Sielecki
Postal address: Hörnesgasse 24/6, 1030 Vienna
Telephone: +43-(0) 1 9454010 e-mail: office(at)
Association authority
Vienna Provincial Police Directorate, Office for Association, Assembly and Media Law Matters, Schottenring 7-9, A-1010 Vienna
DSGVO (Data Protection)
General Terms and Conditions (AGBs)
In case of a legal claim or conflict, Austrian law applies with jurisdiction in Vienna.