Prize Ceremony OKTO Audience Award

/// 4youreye ProjectionArt /// Rhea Krcmarova ///
/// NIghtline Live /// Pay as you wish ///
Saturday, 4th of November 2017 22:30, main cinema Metro Kinokulturhaus, 1010 Vienna
The main competition will be finished by this third and last screening, which contains another 8 films, which are mainly narrative. After the films the winner will be announced and honored on stage by the independant jury. After the award-ceremony multi media artist and visual poet Jörg Piringer will perform live on stage. We hope to see you there!
Sunday, 5th of November 2017, 20:30, Metro Kinokulturhaus, 1010 Wien
Moderation Yasmin Hafedh
The second competition screening is dedicated to experimentals and animations. We will show 14 shorter films in this program. It´s perfect for the one, who like intense, very short and very suprising films. We have set up a program mix between animation and experimental film with entertaining qualities. You may realize, that the Austrians are very strong in the experimental film tradition. Yes, that´s true, they are.
The main award of the Art Visuals & Poetry Film Festival is dedicated traditionally to German speaking countries only. We will show 27 films within three programs on the weekend November 4-5.