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Siegerehrung Capranico
Award-ceremony November 5,  2017 to Andrea Capranico                                                 Foto Michael Lukele



Jurystatement Art Visuals & Poetry Honorable Mention in the category best feature film 2017


The film "The Landscape Within" is about a man in a life crisis who actively seeks healing and finds it in his art. For over 3 years, the filmmaker Andrea Capranico has followed the Philippine body painter, costume designer,
photographer Eric Nui Cabales documenting this inner development arising from the crisis with documentary means.

Andrea Capranico has accomplished a rare feat and one that is also extremely hard to achieve: the film is not just about healing, it is itself healing! This is reached by calm rhythm, with flowing image sequences, by an outstanding image aesthetics and by the ravishingly composed music. The work carries you with a gently attention to a point, where mobile phones, computers and all the noise around us suddenly disappear. Instead we follow this man in the film, who creates a mythical art landscape out of time, where art and nature unite.

"The Landscape Within" is about finding the roots of our existence, it's about the essence in life, where we become part of the nature again facing our memories and inner worlds.

The festival's only Honorable Mention goes to „The Landscape Within“ for the best feature film. We congratulate its director Andrea Capranico for this outstanding art work.



Honorable Mention donated by Art Visuals & Poetry

Text Sigrun Höllrigl

